Certifications & Credentials
Bryon A. Parffrey’s long list of certifications and credentials are what separates him from the pack and what will make the difference in your education and career.
Shouldn’t you learn from the best?
- CT (Certified Trainer)
- CMI (Certified Master Inspector)
- NACHI (National Association of Certified Home Inspectors)
- GHBA (Greater Houston Builder’s Association)
- Resnet (Residential Energy Services Network)
- HERS (Home Energy Rating System)
- BPI (Building Performance Institute)
- IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)
- ICC (International Code Council)
- IECC (International Energy Conservation Code)
- CPI (Certified Pool Inspector)
- CPO (Certified Pool Operator)
- Infra Red Camera Inspector
- Sewer Line Camera Inspector
- Blower Door/Duct Blaster Certified

The Builder’s Academy, Inc. was founded in 1994 by Bryon A. Parffrey on a single premise:
To help people just like you to “Build On A Solid Foundation ®” with Education 1st with understanding and knowledge in Building, New Construction, Existing Residential, Remodeling & Inspections. Learning Before You Build or Buy is a Wise Investment.
Bryon’s vision of teaching regular people to build their own dreams has enabled thousands of people just like you to achieve their goals.
Many have started a new career and or business in Professional Homebuilding, Project Management, Professional Commercial and Residential Inspections, Consulting and Management, Mold Consulting and Remediations, Pest Control and WDI Inspection Business.
Think you can’t do it? Think again. See for yourself the great opportunities.